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Divvy Drinks

Divvy is a soda water company that wants to use the opportunity of socializing over few drinks as a tool to spark conversations and discussions between friends, family, and acquaintances. 

What if a FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) can have more use than just being a consumable product?

Divvy wants to use the FMCG market to tackle human connection issues to create better connections between humans on planet earth. 

Divvy Drinks: Text
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Divvy Drinks: Image
Asset 1_2x.png
Divvy Drinks: Image
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Divvy Drinks: Image
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Divvy Drinks: Image

Interactive packaging

Divvys brand identity and packaging design, is used as a tool used to initiate a discussion though using prompted conversation cards to initiate discussions between people all while having a good drink. A fun and exciting product that helps facilitate interaction between the Product and the consumer, and encourages them to interact with their immediate peers in a meaningful way.


The can sleeves are a double sided sleeves that contain conversation starter statement on the otherside. Just peel the sleeve, rip and play

Divvy Drinks: Video

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